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Tragedy and Melodrama

Ahuja, Chaman. Tragedy, modern temper and O’Neill. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Pr., 1984. 207 pp [S74]

Alvarez, Carmen G. ‘O’Neill and tragedy: a longing to die.’ Estudos Anglo-Americanos 12-13 1988-89 24-29 [S6]

Asli-Laribi, Dorra. The late plays of Eugene O’Neill: an interpretive study of modern tragedy. Manouba, Tunisia: Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de la Manouba, 1997. 205 pp (publ. diss.)

Berlin, Normand. O’Neill’s Shakespeare. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Pr., 1993, 165-224: ‘Tragedy’; see also 225-54: ‘Tragicomedy’

Black, Eugene. ‘Catharsis and Eugene O’Neill.’ Mandrake 1 1949 34-41

Brashear, William  R. The gorgon’s head: a study in  tragedy and despair. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1977, 88-103: ‘The play as will and idea: Shaw and O’Neill’ (from Criticism 8 1966 155-69); 104-33: ‘The wisdom of Silenus: O’Neill’s spiritual ancestors’

Brietzke, Zander. The aesthetics of failure: dynamic structure in the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001, 164-96: ‘Tragic vision’

Buck, Philo. Directions in contemporary literature. NY: Oxford UP, 1942, 125-147: ‘The new tragedy: Eugene O’Neill’ [M112]

Carpenter, Frederick I. American literature and the dream. NY: Philosophical Library, 1955, 133-43: ‘The romantic tragedy of Eugene O’Neill’ [M113] (from  College English 6 1945 250-58 [M168])

-----. Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. Boston: Twayne, 1979, 17-64: ‘The tragic agonist’; 65-81: ‘The pattern of O’Neill’s tragedies’

Chabrowe, Leonard. Ritual and pathos: the theater of Eugene O’Neill. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 1976. 226 pp [S83]

Comarnescu, Petru. O’Neill Ői renaŐterea tragediei. Cluj: Dacia, 1986. 338 pp

Cosentino, Giacomo. L’idea do tragedia nei drammi de E. O’Neill. Catania: Giannotta, 1975. 103 pp

Daiber, Hans. ‘Der Tragiker der neuen Welt: Anspruch und Leistung Eugene O’Neills.’ Neue Deutsche Hefte 81 1961 16-35

Dey, Pradip K. Eugene O’Neill: a study of his tragic vision. Bareilly: Prakash Book Depot, 2000. 117 pp (hard to find)

Egri, Péter. The birth of American tragedy. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1988. 227 pp (virtually all on O’Neill; incorporates several articles) [S89]; ‘Critical approaches to the birth of American tragedy: the significance of Eugene O’Neill.’ Acta Litteraria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 30 1988 243-71 [S22]

Eisen, Kurt. The inner strength of opposites: O’Neill’s novelistic drama and  the melodramatic imagination. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1994. 241 pp [S89]

Frank, Glenda. ‘Fractured comedy: a glimpse into Eugene O’Neill’s tragic constructs.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 27 2005 135-51 (stresses Long Day’s Journey Into Night, A Touch of the Poet, and The Iceman Cometh)

Galinsky, Hans. ‘Eugene O’Neill: die Wendung des modernen amerikanischen Theaters zur Tragödie.’ Pp 401-17 in Franz H. Link, ed. Amerika: Vision und Wirklichkeit: Beiträge deutscher Forschung zur amerikanischen Literaturgeschichte. Frankfurt: Athenäum, 1968 (from ‘Eugene O’Neill: die Wandlung des modernen amerikanischen Dramas zur Tragödie.’ Neueren Sprachen 1953 233-46)

Griffin, Ernest G. ‘O’Neill and the tragedy of culture.’ Modern Drama 31 1988 1-15 [S30] (dramas of fate)

Heilman, Robert B. The iceman, the arsonist, and the troubled agent: tragedy and melodrama on the modern stage. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr., 1973, 72-114: ‘Eugene O’Neill’ [S99]

Kaul, R. K. ‘Tragedy and O’Neill.’ Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature 11 1973 93-106 [S37]

Khare, R. R. Shakespeare, Eugene O’Neill, T. S. Eliot and the Greek tragedy. New Delhi: Mittal, 1998. 535 pp (hard to find)

Kist Huppes, Ivete S. ‘Tragédia clássica e tragédia moderna.’ Letras de Hoje 67 1987 77-88 (O’Neill, Giraudoux, and Sartre)

Krutch, Joseph W. ‘O’Neill’s tragic sense.’ American Scholar 16 1947 283-90 [M192]

Larner, Daniel. ‘Dionysus in diaspora: O’Neill’s tragedy of muted revelries.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 24 2000 13-19

-----. ‘O’Neill’s fear and pity: the Dionysian living death.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 23 1999 141-49

-----. ‘Understanding tragedy in five O'Neill plays.’ Pp 131-39 in Bloom 3

Leaska, Mitchell A. The voice of tragedy. NY: Robert Speller, 1963, 263-72: ‘O’Neill’

Link, Franz H. Eugene O’Neill und die Wiedergeburt der Tragödie aus dem Unbewussten. Frankfurt: Athenäum, 1967. 64 pp

Macey, Samuel L. ‘Nonheroic tragedy: a pedigree for American tragic drama.’ Comparative Literature Studies 6 1969 1-19

Muller, Herbert J. The spirit of tragedy. NY: Knopf, 1956, 311-15: ‘Tragedy in America: O’Neill’ [M139]

Murphy, Brenda. ‘Tragedy in the modern American theater.’ Pp 488-504 in Rebecca Bushnell, ed. A companion to tragedy. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005 (O’Neill, Anderson, and Miller)

Orr, John. Tragic drama and modern society: a sociology of dramatic form  from 1880 to the present. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989, 165-82: ‘Eugene O’Neill I: the living tragedy’; 183-205: ‘Eugene O’Neill II: the life remembered’ [S113]

Prasad, Hari M. ‘The tragic mode: a study of Eugene O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon, The Emperor Jones and The Hairy Ape.’ Osmania Journal of English Studies 15 1979 21-30 [S52]

Przemecka, Irena. ‘The elements of tragedy in O’Neill’s plays.’ Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich 10 ii 1968 56-69

Qazi, Munir A. ‘O’Neill: Aristotelian tragedy in America.’ Journal of Research (Humanities) (Univ. of  the Punjab) 21 1986 17-36 [S52]

Quinby, George H. ‘A humanitarian playwright.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 2 ii 1978 8-11 [S53]

Rabelo A., Paula. ‘Eugene O’Neill a tragédia moderna.’ Estudos Avancados 70 2010 227-44

Sinha, C. P. Eugene O’Neill’s tragic vision. 2nd ed. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Pr., 1983. 160 pp [S123] (incorporates ‘Eugene O’Neill and the tragic vision.’ Journal of the Bhagalpur University 6 ii 1975 89-95 [S61])

Taranu, Dana. ‘Sentimentul destinului tragic în opera lui O’Neill.’ Steau 19 Oct 1968 102-10

Westgate, J. Chris. ‘Tragic inheritance and tragic expression in Long Day’s Journey into Night.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 30 2008 21-36

Winther, Sophus K. Eugene O’Neill: a critical study. Enlarged ed. NY: Russell & Russell, 1961, 210-34: ‘Pessimism  and tragedy’; 296-312: ‘O’Neill and modern tragedy’

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