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The Fountain

Andreach, Robert J. ‘O’Neill’s use of Dante in The Fountain and The Hairy Ape.’ Modern Drama 10 1967 48-56 [M313]

Bogard, Travis. Contour in time: the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. NY: Oxford UP, 1988, 232-38

Comarnescu, Petru. O’Neill Ői renaŐterea tragediei. Cluj: Dacia, 1986, 95-100: ‘The Fountain (Fîntîna)’

Engel, Edwin A. The haunted heroes of Eugene O’Neill. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1953, 15-18

Falk, Doris V. Eugene O’Neill and the tragic tension: an interpretive study of the plays. NY: Gordian Pr., 1958, 79-84

Floyd, Virginia. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a new assessment. NY: Ungar, 1985, 225-36

Goyal, Bhagwat S. The strategy of survival: human  significance of O’Neill’s plays. Ghaziabad: Vimal, 1975, 103-07

Maufort, Marc. ‘O’Neill’s “passage to India”: spiritual discovery of America in The Fountain.’ Belgian Essays on Language and Literature 1993 61-67 [S43]

Miliora, Maria T. Narcissism, the family, and  madness: a self-psychological study of Eugene O’Neill and his plays. NY: Lang, 2000, 59-62

Miller, Ronald R. ‘Eugene O’Neill’s first transcultural epic: “universal history” in The Fountain.’ Pp 99-109 in Marc Maufort, ed. Staging difference: cultural pluralism in American theatre and drama. NY: Lang, 1995 [S110]

Raleigh, John H. The plays of Eugene O’Neill. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965, 37-39 and see index

Robinson, James A. Eugene O’Neill and Oriental thought: a divided vision. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982, 100-108: ‘“Forever flowing, ever returning”: The Fountain

Seidel, Margot. Bibel und Christentum im dramatischen Werk Eugene O’Neills. Frankfurt: Lang, 1984, 16-20, 257-61 and see index

Tiusanen, Timo. O’Neill’s scenic images. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1968, 134-36

Törnqvist, Egil. A drama of souls: studies in O’Neill’s super-naturalistic technique. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1969, see index

Wainscott, Ronald H. Staging O’Neill: the experimental years, 1920-1934. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1988, 170-86

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