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Bound East for Cardiff

Bak, John S. ‘“The fog’s lifted”: Bound East for Cardiff (1916) d’Eugene O’Neill et l’arrivée de la Grand Guerre aux États Unis.’ Pp 161-92 in Henry Daniels & Nathalie Collé-Bak, eds. La Grande-Bretagne en guerre. Nancy: Universitaires de Nancy, 2007

Berlin, Normand. Eugene O’Neill. London: Macmillan, 1982, 43-46

-----. O’Neill’s Shakespeare. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Pr., 1993, 11-16

Bogard, Travis. Contour in time: the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. NY: Oxford UP, 1988, 38-44

Floyd, Virginia. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a new assessment. NY: Ungar, 1985, 67-70

Gelb, Arthur, & Barbara Gelb. O’Neill: life with Monte Cristo. NY: Applause Books, 2000, 556-58

Goyal, Bhagwat S. The strategy of survival: human  significance of O’Neill’s plays. Ghaziabad: Vimal, 1975, 46-50

Kreutzer, Eberhard. ‘Eugene O’Neills Bound East for Cardiff: Genese, Struktur und Kontext eines paradigmatischen Einakters.’ Anglistik und Englischunterricht 28 1986 33-47

Maufort, Marc. ‘O’Neill’s variations on an obituary motif in Bound East for Cardiff and Hughie.’ Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 46 1988 602-12 [S43]

-----. Songs of American  experience: the vision of O’Neill and Melville. NY: Lang, 1990, 66-69, 76-80, 84-85 and see index

Müller, Kurt. ‘The crisis of memory in modern American drama: the case of Eugene O’Neill.’ Pp 115-23 in Udo J. Hebel, ed. Sites of memory in American literature and cultures. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003 (118-20 on the play)

Törnqvist, Egil. A drama of souls: studies in O’Neill’s super-naturalistic technique. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1969, see index

-----. Eugene O’Neill: a playwright’s theatre. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003, 167-75: ‘Bound East for Cardiff

Voelker, Paul D. ‘The uncertain origins of Eugene O’Neill’s Bound East for Cardiff.’ Studies in Bibliography 32 1979 273-81 [S67]


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