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Late Plays

Adler, Thomas P. American drama, 1940-1960: a critical history. NY: Twayne, 1994, 21-42: ‘Eugene O’Neill: “faithful realism” with a poet’s touch’ [S73]

Ahrends, Günter. Traumwelt und Wirklichkeit im Spätwerk Eugene O’Neills. Heidelberg: Winter, 1978. 286 pp

Asli-Laribi, Dorra. The late plays of Eugene O’Neill: an interpretive study of modern tragedy. Manouba, Tunisia: Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de la Manouba, 1997. 205 pp (publ. diss.)

Barlow, Judith E. Final acts: the creation of  three late O’Neill plays. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1985. 215 pp [S75]

Berlin, Normand. ‘The late plays.’ Pp 82-95 in Manheim [S77]

Bigsby, C. W. E. Modern American drama, 1945-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000, 14-30: ‘Eugene O’Neill’s endgame’ [S78] (part from ‘O’Neill’s endgame.’ Pp 159-68 in Maufort [S78])

Bloom, Steven F. ‘The role of drinking and alcoholism  in O’Neill’s late plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 8 i 1984 22-27 [S11]

Bogard, Travis. From  the silence of Tao House: essays about Eugene and Carlotta O’Neill and the Tao House plays. Danville, CA: Eugene O’Neill Foundation, Tao House, 1993. 198 pp [S80] (various writings, many previously unpublished)

Bower, Martha G. ‘The cycle women and Carlotta Monterey O’Neill.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 10 ii 1986 29-33 [S12]

-----. Eugene O’Neill’s unfinished threnody and process of invention in four cycle plays. NY: Edwin Mellen Pr., 1992. 183 pp [S81]

-----. ‘The pathology of resistance to cultural assimilation in Eugene O’Neill’s late plays.’ Pp 111-19 in Marc Maufort, ed. Staging difference: cultural pluralism  in American theatre and drama. NY: Lang, 1995 [S81]

Brown, Roger. ‘Causality in O’Neill’s late masterpieces.’ Pp 41-54 in Moorton [S82]

Carpenter, Frederick I. Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. Boston: Twayne, 1979, 151-67: ‘The final plays: journey beyond night’

Dorn, Knut. Die Erlösungsthematik bei Eugene O’Neill: eine Analyse der Strukturen im Spätwerk. Heidelberg: Winter, 1968. 136 pp

Driver, Tom  F. ‘On the late plays of Eugene O’Neill.’ Tulane Drama Review 3 ii 1958 8-20 [M175]; repr. on pp 110-23 in Gassner

Engel, Edwin A. ‘Eugene O’Neill’s long day’s journey into light.’ Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review 63 1957 348-54 [M177]

Flèche-Salgues, Suzanne. ‘Trois pièces récente d’Eugene O’Neill.’ Études Anglaises 10 1957 410-20 (Iceman, Journey, and Misbegotten)

Fleisher, Frederic. ‘Eugene O’Neill and 1912.’ Moderna Språk 53 1959 232-40 (background of his three most autobiographical plays)

Floyd, Virginia. ‘Eugene O’Neill: gift of a Celtic legacy.’ Recorder 3 i 1989 5-14 [S25] (especially in the late plays)

Gelb, Arthur, & Barbara Gelb. ‘Behind the scenes of O’Neill’s elephant opus.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 28 2006 101-12 (stresses A Touch of the Poet)

Gross, Siegfried. ‘As if—Konjunktion zwischen Schein und Wirklichkeit in den späten Dramen Eugene O’Neills.’ Poetica 2 1968 521-40

Halio, Jay. ‘Eugene O’Neill: the long quest.’ Pp 13-27 in William  E. Taylor, ed. Modern American drama: essays in criticism. Deland, FL: Everett / Edwards, 1968 [M127]

Hori, Mariko. ‘Aspects of Noh theatre in three late O’Neill plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 18 1994 143-48 [S34]

-----. ‘Author, actor, audience: the metatheatrical elements in the late plays of Eugene O’Neill.’ Pp 121-28 in Liu [S100]

Iyengar, K. R. Srinivasa. ‘O’Neill: the last phase.’ Literary Criterion 5 Winter 1961 44-54

Lichtenberg, Joseph D. ‘The late works and styles of Eugene O’Neill, Henry James, and Ludwig van Beethoven.’ Pp 297-319 in John E. Gedo & George H. Pollock, eds. Psychoanalysis: the vital issues, I: Psychoanalysis as an intellectual discipline. NY: International Universities Pr., 1984 (298-304 on O’Neill) [S104]

Manheim, Michael. ‘Eugene O’Neill: America’s national playwright.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 9 11 1985 17-23 [M41] (stresses the late plays)

-----. ‘O’Neill’s transcendence of melodrama in the late plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 12 ii 1988 22-28 [S41]

-----. Vital contradictions: characterization in the plays of Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and O’Neill. Brussels: Lang, 2002, 159-204 (studies of five late plays)

Maufort, Marc. ‘The playwright as modernist: epiphanic monologues in O’Neill’s late dramas.’ BELL: Belgian Essays on Language and Literature 2000 85-93

Mihályi, Gábor. Végjáték: a nyugat-európai és amerikai dráma husznöt éve (1945-1970). Budapest: Gondolat, 1971, 29-50

Murphy, Brenda. ‘O’Neill’s realism: a structural approach.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 7 ii 1983 3-6 [M46] (on the late plays)

Oswald, Josef. The discordant, broken, faithless rhythm of our time: eine Analyse der späten Dramen Eugene O’Neills. Frankfurt: Lang, 1981. 208 pp

Pallette, Drew B. ‘O’Neill’s A Touch of the Poet and other last plays.’ Arizona Quarterly 13 1957 308-19 [M202] (Ah, Wilderness! on)

Porter, Laurin R. The banished prince: time, memory, and ritual in the late plays of Eugene O’Neill. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Pr., 1988. 134 pp [S115]

-----. ‘“The end of the quest”: freedom and selfhood in O’Neill’s late plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 27 2005 163-71 (characters who pursue ‘a total abdication of self’)

-----. ‘Musical and literary allusions in O’Neill’s final plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 28 2006 131-46 (in The Iceman Cometh, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, and A Moon for the Misbegotten)

-----. ‘Time and redemption in the works of William Faulkner, Eugene O’Neill, and Texas playwright Horton Foote.’ Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture 14: 27 2004 16-33 (focuses on Foote’s The Orphan’s Home Cycle; compares O’Neill’s late plays passim)

Proehl, Geoffrey S. Coming home again: American family drama and the figure of the prodigal son. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1997, 87-89, 111-19, 145-48, 152-55 and see index (treats Long Day’s Journey Into Night, The Iceman Cometh, and Moon for the Misbegotten as crucial examples)

Ren, Zhiji. ‘The uses of pessimism: some random  thoughts about Eugene O’Neill.’ Pp 43-47 in Liu [S118]

Rich, J. Dennis. ‘Exile without remedy: the late plays of Eugene O’Neill.’ Pp 257-76 in Floyd [S118]

Scheibler, Rolf. The late plays of Eugene O’Neill. Bern: Francke, 1970. 222 pp (publ. diss.)

Scheller, Bernhard. ‘O’Neill und die Rezeption spätburgerlich-kritischer Dramatik.’ Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 23 1975 314-21; repr. on pp 265-73 in Eberhard Brüning et al., eds. Studien zum amerikanischen Drama nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Berlin: Rütten & Loening, 1977

Schenker, Ueli. Eugene O’Neills Spätwerk. Zurich: Juris, 1965. 161 pp (publ. diss.); ‘Die Freiheit gegenüber dem  einegen Talent: zum  Eugene O’Neills Spätwerk.’ Schweizer Monatshefte 47 1968 1178-85

Schevill, James. Break out: in search of new theatrical environments. Chicago: Swallow Pr., 1973, 190-97 [S120] (Chinese philosophy in three late plays)

Scrimgeour, James R. ‘From  Loving to the misbegotten: despair in the drama of Eugene O’Neill.’ Modern Drama 20 1977 37-53 [S58]

Stamm, Rudolf. ‘Das Spätwerk Eugene O’Neills.’ Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 34 1960 66-83

Triesch, Gisela. Die Motive in Thirst and Other One-Act Plays und ihre Verarbeitung in den späteren Werken O’Neills. Munich: Hueber, 1969. 170 pp

Weales, Gerald. ‘The return of Eugene O’Neill.’ Tamarack Review 4 1957 43-50

Wolfson, Lester M. ‘Inge, O’Neill, and the human condition.’ Southern Speech Journal 22 1957 221-32 [M217] (in the late plays)

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