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Essential Volumes of Writings by O’Neill

Complete plays. Ed. Travis Bogard. NY: Library of America, 1988. 3 vols. (definitive edition)

The unfinished plays: notes for ‘The Visit of Malatesta,’ ‘The Last Conquest,’ and ‘Blind Alley Guy’. Ed. Virginia Floyd. NY: Ungar, 1988. 213 pp (extensive prefaces and notes)

More Stately Mansions: the unexpurgated edition. Ed. Martha G. Bower. NY: Oxford UP, 1988. 313 pp (introduction, pp 3-17)

The Calms of Capricorn: A Play. Developed from  O’Neill’s scenario by Donald Gallup, with a transcription of  the scenario. New Haven, CT: Ticknor & Fields, 1982. 190 pp

Exorcism: A Play in One Act. Intro. By Louise Bernard; foreword by Edward Albee. New Haven, CT: Yale up, 2012. 85 pp; first publ. in New Yorker 87 Oct 27 2011 72-79 (the ‘lost play’ about his attempted suicide)

Work diary 1924-1943. Ed. Donald Gallup. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1981. 2 vols. (the Smith-Eaton bibliography lists this as a ‘preliminary edition’ [S214])

Eugene O’Neill at work: newly released ideas for plays. Ed. Virginia Floyd. NY: Ungar, 1981. 488 pp (notebooks, 1918-1943, including drafts, scenarios, and ideas for plays, with commentary)

The unknown O’Neill: unpublished and unfamiliar writings of Eugene O’Neill. Ed. Travis Bogard. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1988. 434 pp (includes plays, fiction, essays, etc.)

Comments on the drama and the theater: a source book. Ed. Ulrich Halfmann. Tübingen: Narr, 1987. 255 pp

Selected letters. Ed. Travis Bogard & Jackson R. Bryer. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1988. 602 pp

‘The theatre we worked for’: the letters of Eugene O’Neill to Kenneth Macgowan. Ed. Jackson R. Bryer. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1982. 292 pp

‘Love and admiration and respect’: the O’Neill-[Saxe] Commins correspondence. Ed. Dorothy Commins. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1986. 248 pp

‘As ever, Gene’: the letters of Eugene O’Neill to George Jean Nathan. Ed. Nancy L. Roberts & Arthur W. Roberts. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1987. 248 pp

A  wind is rising: the correspondence of Agnes Boulton and Eugene O’Neill. Ed. William  D. King. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2000. 328 pp

Long Day’s Journey Into Night: critical edition. Ed. William D. King. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2014. 263 pp (not yet examined)

Conversations with Eugene O’Neill. Ed. Mark W. Estrin. Jackson: Univ. of  Mississippi Pr., 1990. 242 pp

The published and unpublished poems of Eugene O'Neill. Ed. William H. Davenport, ed. Yale University Library Gazette 38, ii 1963 41-50


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