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The Smart Set  

The Smart Set

1917 (October)



Atkinson # C33     Sanborn and Clark # 11

NOTES:  Contains THE LONG VOYAGE HOME. Preceded book publication.

THE SMART SET was a leading literary magazine which was edited by H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan. Calling itself "a magazine of cleverness," it provided a haven for writers just getting started, as well as for established authors whose more daring efforts could find no other market. O'Neill sent Mencken three of his one-act sea plays -- ILE, THE LONG VOYAGE HOME, and THE MOON OF THE CARIBBEES. Mencken liked the plays and sent them on to Nathan, who served as the magazine's drama critic. O'Neill received a letter from Nathan praising the plays, and they were subsequently published in separate issues of THE SMART SET. O'Neill received seventy-five dollars for each play.

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