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The Masses


The Masses

1917 (February)



Atkinson # C31     Sanborn and Clark # 9

NOTES:  Contains "Submarine"

O'Neill wrote his anarchistic poem "Submarine" while in Provincetown in the year 1916. He showed it to radical journalist John Reed, who liked the poem and set to work to get it published. Reed had only to cross the street in Provincetown to find Max Eastman, editor of THE MASSES.

THE MASSES called itself "a revolutionary magazine directed against rigidity and dogma wherever it was found." In addition to Reed, THE MASSES was kept supplied with material by such contributors as Carl Sandburg, Sherwood Anderson, Amy Lowell, Bertrand Russell, Maxim Gorky, George Bellows, and John Sloan. To O'Neill's joy, Eastman accepted "Submarine" for publication. The poem, which was not signed by O'Neill, appeared in the February, 1917 issue.

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