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O'Neill: A Collection of Critical Essays

Gassner, John (ed)
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964
First edition, with dust jacket


This volume in the Twentieth Century Views series includes an introduction by Gassner summarizing O'Neill's career, and the following articles:

Bentley, Eric, "Trying to Like O'Neill," abbreviated, from Bentley's In Search of the Theater, 1952, pp. 89-98.

Bogard, Travis, "Anna Christie: Her Fall and Rise."

Day, Cyrus, "Amor Fati: O'Neill's Lazarus as Superman and Savior, "Mod. Dr., Dec. 1960, pp. 72-81.

Driver, Tom F., "On the Late Plays of Eugene O'Neill," Tulane Dr. Rev., Dec. 1958, ppl. 110-123.

Gassner, John, "The Nature of O'Neill's Achievement: A Summary and Appraisal, " revised and abbreviated version of "Eugene O'Neill: The Course of a Major Dramatist" in Gassner's Theatre at the Crossroads, 1960, pp. 165-171.

Hayes, Richard, "Eugene O'Neill: The Tragic in Exile," Th. Arts, Oct. 1963, pp. 52-56.

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, "Eugene O'Neill," Freeman, 21 Mar. 1923, pp. 23-28.

Lawson, John Howard, "Eugene O'Neill," from Theory and Technique of Playwriting, 1936, pp. 42-51.

Muchnic, Helen, "Circe's Swine: Plays by Gorky and O'Neill," Comp. Lit., Spring 1951, pp. 99-109.

Racey, Edgar F., Jr., "Myth as Tragic Structure in Desire Under the Elms," Mod. Dr., May 1962, pp. 57-61.

Raleigh, John Henry, "Eugene O'Neill and the Escape From the Chateau d'If," paper presented at English Institute, Columbia Univ., Sept. 1963, pp. 7-22.

Raleigh, John Henry, "O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night and New England Irish-Catholicism," Partisan Rev., Fall 1959, pp. 124-141.

Whitman, Robert F., "O'Neill's Search for a 'Language of the Theatre,'" Quar. Jour. Sp., April 1960, pp. 142-164.

Young, Stark, "Eugene O'Neill's New Play," (review of Electra), New Rep., 11 Nov. 1931, pp. 82-88.

Volume also contains a brief life chronology.  Though somewhat limited in scope by nature of the series, this is a significant collection of O'Neill criticism.Miller


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