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Autograph Letter Signed, 6 pages
By Agnes Boulton O'Neill
Tuesday, September 8, 1925
Budgie (Margery Boulton)


Sept. 8th '25.

Dear Budgie --

I've been meaning to write to you every day, but you know how things get put off -- besides, I thing a letter of mine crossed yours.  In regard to the checks (little theatre) I sent you, which were not received, nothing can be done about it now, as they were made out to Gene, not by him, & I am not even sure which little theatres they were.  I simply thought you had forgotten to acknowledge them -- just as even now I have never had any acknowledgement or thank for some things which I went to a good deal of trouble to put in shape & pack & send from Bermuda, (except for a brief P.S. in your letter in answer to my question saying that they had arrived.)  No doubt the things were of no use to anyone, anyhow -- or so it seems.

I wrote Cookie on Wednesday last, explaining about school, and asking for an immediate reply.  That was a week ago, minus one day, and I have not heard yet.  I wanted particularly to know at once so I could make arrangements, and in the letter I asked her to have you or mother write immediately.  If she prefers to go on to school on the 13th, can I get you to go over her clothes & get them in shape, have them washed and mended -- probably some woman in the neighborhood can do plain sewing & will do what is necessary.  I don't want her to go back to school with things in bad shape -- in fact it seems to me much better that she should go Oct. 1st for a number of reasons.  I am having a little green hat made for her here -- I enclose a cheque for her board & to cover expenses of fixing up her clothes if necessary.

I think we will go back to Ridgefield sometime next week if we can get away.  Mother said you and she were going to take jobs this winter & so I have this proposition to make you -- se what you think of it?  I really ought to get someone to help take care of Shane & teach him, a governess, as Gaga cannot do it & I don't seem to have the time either, and at the same time I hate to get anyone else to "join the family."  What I had in mind was this -- you come on a business arrangement of $50 per month, and board, give him an hour's lessons every day, take him for a walk, see to dressing & undressing him (which is not so much, as he does it himself now) and in fact, do what a governess does, only not mend his clothes.  I dictate letters to you, which you type, in that way we keep the correspondence clear, also you make out the bills at end of month.  No extra typing.  I'll pay your fare to Bermuda when we go, which will be in Dec & continue the arrangement there, except that instead of teaching him, you go on the bus to the childrens school with him (10 to 2) & fetch him back.  The above is rather tentative, but we could talk it over more definitely, & there would not be more work than that, anyhow.  I think it would be grand if you want to do it.  We could have such nice times, particularly in Bermuda, and I am sure the change would do you a lot of good.  Also, if it is put as a purely business arrangement from the start it is likely to be much more successful, don't you think?  I have to have some one & that is what I would pay anyone else & what I would want done.  If you can't come, I will try to get a young girl from the P.P. who spoke to me last spring abut such a job -- but I certainly do hope you have not made any other arrangements, it would mean a lot to me to have you with us.  Gene thinks this would work out very well, too --

Please let me know at once so you can come to Ridgefield when we do -- I do want to get there by next week.  If you cannot come there, let me know -- or anyhow, what you decide.

Hurrying to catch mail,


Tell mother expect check from mortgage any moment now.


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