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Bogard, Travis. Contour in time: the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. NY: Oxford UP, 1988, 183-91

Chiesura, Giorgio. ‘Intorno a una commedia di O’Neill.’ Letteratura (Florence) 9 May-June 1947 126-33

Eisen, Kurt. The inner strength of opposites: O’Neill’s novelistic drama and  the melodramatic imagination. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1994, 100-105

Engel, Edwin A. The haunted heroes of Eugene O’Neill. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1953, 107-16: ‘Married love’

Floyd, Virginia. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a new assessment. NY: Ungar, 1985, 249-56

McDonough, Edwin J. Quintero directs O’Neill: an examination of eleven plays of Eugene O’Neill staged by José Quintero in New York City, 1956-1981. Chicago: A Capella Books, 1991, 229-49: ‘Welded [1981]’

Pfister, Joel. Staging depth: Eugene O’Neill and the politics of psychological discourse. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Pr., 1995, 32-35

Tiusanen, Timo. O’Neill’s scenic images. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1968, 207-11

Törnqvist, Egil. A drama of souls: studies in O’Neill’s super-naturalistic technique. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1969, 57-59, 182-84, and see index

-----. ‘Platonic love in O’Neill’s Welded.’ Pp 73-83 in Floyd

Wainscott, Ronald H. Staging O’Neill: the experimental years, 1920-1934. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1988, 124-38

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