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Beyond the Horizon

Adler, Stella. Stella Adler on America’s master playwrights. . . . NY: Knopf, 2012, 25-35

Bajma Griga, Stefano. La crisi dell’American dream: per una rilettura del teatro borghese di Eugene O’Neill. Turin: Tirrenia, 1987, 83-111: ‘Una fattoria a conduzione familiare’

Baker-White, Robert. ‘Blarsted dirt, bloomin’ farm, mysterious darkness: the presence and rhythm of rural nature in O’Neill’s early plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 32 2010 48-69 (59-67 on the play)

Berlin, Normand. Eugene O’Neill. London: Macmillan, 1982, 50-54

Bigsby, C. W. E. A  critical introduction  to twentieth-century American drama, I: 1900-1940. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982, 51-53

Black, Stephen  A. Eugene O’Neill: beyond  mourning and tragedy. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2000, 213-15, 216-17, 246-52 and see index (incorporates ‘America’s first tragedy.’ English Studies in Canada 13 ii 1987 195-203 [S10])

Bogard, Travis. Contour in time: the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. NY: Oxford UP, 1988, 114-30

Dave, R. A. ‘Have we lost the tragic sense? Eugene O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon: a study.’ Literary Criterion 6 iv 1965 26-35

Engel, Edwin A. The haunted heroes of Eugene O’Neill. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1953, 95-107: ‘Beyond Beyond the Horizon

Falk, Doris V. Eugene O’Neill and the tragic tension: an interpretive study of the plays. NY: Gordian Pr., 1958, 37-45

Filipowicz-Findlay, Halina. ‘Dream  and death in Gerhart Hauptmann’s Vor Sonnenaufgang and Eugene O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon.’ Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 233 1974 69-83 [S24]

Floyd, Virginia. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a new assessment. NY: Ungar, 1985, 141-53

Gelb, Arthur, & Barbara Gelb. O’Neill: life with Monte Cristo. NY: Applause Books, 2000, 634-40

Goyal, Bhagwat S. The strategy of survival: human  significance of O’Neill’s plays. Ghaziabad: Vimal, 1975, 58-63

Halfmann, Ulrich. ‘Eugene O’Neill: Beyond the Horizon.’ Pp 27-49 in Paul Goetsch, ed. Das amerikanische Drama. Düsseldorf: Bagel, 1974

Jenkins, Jeffrey E. ‘Beneath the horizon: pipe dreams, identity, and capital in Eugene O’Neill’s first Broadway play.’ Pp 81-99 in William W. Demastes and Iris S. Fischer, eds. Interrogating America through theatre and performance. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Kracht, Werner. ‘Eugene O’Neill: Beyond the Horizon.’ Pp 170-80 in Werner Hüllen et al., eds. Zeitgenössische amerikanische Dichtung: eine Einführung in die amerikanische Literaturbetrachtung mit Texten  und Interpretationen. Frankfurt: Hirschgraben, 1969

Miliora, Maria T. Narcissism, the family, and  madness: a self-psychological study of Eugene O’Neill and his plays. NY: Lang, 2000, 71-75 

Miller, Jordan Y., & Winifred Frazer. American drama between  the wars: a critical history. NY: G. K. Hall, 1991, 48-52

Murphy, Brenda. ‘Beyond the Horizon’s narrative sentence: an American intertext for O’Neill.’ Theatre Annual 41 1986 49-62 [S47]

Pettit, Alexander. ‘The texts of O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon: Ruth Mayo, Agnes Boulton, and the women of Provincetown.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 35 2014 15-40 (a textual history, focusing on the first edition of 1920)

-----. ‘A touch of the wrong poet: Arthur Symons and the ironizing of tragedy in Beyond the Horizon.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 34 2013 87-105

Regenbaum, Shelly. ‘Wrestling with God: Old Testament themes in O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 8 iii 1984 2-8 [S54]

Roy, Emil. ‘Tragic tension in Beyond the Horizon.’ Ball State University Forum 8 i 1967 74-79 [M259]

Scheick, William  J. ‘The ending of O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon.’ Modern Drama 20 1977 293-98 [S58]

Shaughnessy, Edward L. Down  the nights and down the days: Eugene O’Neill’s Catholic sensibility. Notre Dame, IN: Univ. of Notre Dame Pr., 1996, 83-86

Singh, Avadhesh K. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a study in myths and symbols. New Delhi: Creative Publishers, 1991, 65-71

Törnqvist, Egil. A drama of souls: studies in O’Neill’s super-naturalistic technique. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1969, 50-54, 79-83, and see index

Voglino, Barbara. Perverse mind: Eugene O’Neill’s struggle with closure. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1999, 25-34: ‘Unsettling ambiguity in Beyond the Horizon

Wainscott, Ronald H. Staging O’Neill: the experimental years, 1920-1934. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1988, 9-29

Wells, Arvin R. ‘Beyond the Horizon.’ Pp 187-93 in John V. Hagopian & Martin Dolch, eds. Insight I: analyses of American  literature. 2nd ed. Frankfurt: Hirschgraben, 1971 [S130]

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