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Modernized Myth and Ritual

Lal, D. K. Myth and mythical concept in O’Neill’s plays. New Delhi: Atlantic, 1992. 168 pp [S103] (hard to find)

Long, Chester C. The role of nemesis in the structure of selected plays by Eugene O’Neill. The Hague: Mouton, 1968. 231 pp [M133]

Porter, Thomas E. ‘The Magna Mater: the maternal goddess in O’Neill’s plays.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 27 2005 41-50

Sen, Krishna. ‘Eugene O’Neill and the concept of “psychic fate.”’ Journal of the Department of English (Univ. of Calcutta) 21 1986-87 55-66 [S59]

-----. Negotiating modernity: myth in the theatre of Eliot, O’Neill and Sartre. Calcutta: Minerva, 1999. 199 pp (hard to find)

Singh, Avadhesh K. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a study in myths and symbols. New Delhi: Creative Publishers, 1991. 184 pp [S123]

Solomonson, Mike. ‘The influence of George Cram Cook’s Delphic spirit on Eugene O’Neill.’ Pp 145-56 in Paul Lorenz & David Roessel, eds. Americans and the experience of Delphi. Boston: Somerset Hall, 2011

Sprinchorn, Evert. ‘O’Neill’s myth plays for the God-forsaken.’ Theater Three 5 1988 55-66 [S63]

Vodă-Căpuşan, Maria. Teatru şi mit. Cluj: Dacia, 1976, 96-111: ‘Mască şi destin la Eugene O’Neill’

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