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Ireland and the Irish

Cronin, Harry C. Eugene O’Neill, Irish and American: a study in  cultural context. NY: Arno, 1976. 146 pp (publ. diss.) [S86]

Ditsky, John M. ‘All Irish here: the “Irishman” in modern drama.’ Dalhousie Review 54 1974 94-102 [S19]

Dubost, Thierry. ‘The last of Ireland: becoming American Irish in O’Neill’s plays.’ Études Irlandaises 23 ii 1998 9-29 [S19]

Egri, Péter. ‘Synge and O’Neill: inspiration and influence.’ Pp 261-68 in Wolfgang Zach & Heinz Kosok, eds. Literary interrelations: Ireland, England and the world, II. Tübingen: Narr, 1987 [S89]

Kagan, Edward A. Goodbye Yeats and O’Neill: farce in contemporary Irish and Irish-American narratives. NY: Rodopi, 2010 (not yet examined)

Krajewska, Wanda. ‘Irlandzkość Eugene ’a O’Neilla.’ Przegląd Humanistyczny 10 iv 1966 51-66

Lee, E. Andrew. ‘The image of Irish in the life and work of Eugene O’Neill.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 35 2014 137-60

Ó hAodha, Micheál. ‘O’Neill and the anatomy of  the stage Irishman.’ Eugene O’Neill Newsletter 1 ii 1977 13-14 [S49]

Przemecka, Irena. ‘Eugene O’Neill and the Irish drama.’ Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 18 1971 3-9

Putzel, Steven D. ‘Whiskey, blarney and land: Eugene O’Neill’s conceptions and misconceptions of  the Irish.’ Pp 125-32 in Wolfgang Zach & Heinz Kosok, eds. Literary interrelations: Ireland, England and the world, III. Tübingen: Narr, 1987 [S116]

Shaughnessy, Edward L. Eugene O’Neill in Ireland: the critical reception. Westport, CT: Greenwood Pr., 1988. 221 pp [S121]  (includes essay, 1-128; ‘Irish essays on O’Neill,’ 151-93; data on productions, 195-213); ‘O’Neill in Ireland: an update.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 22 1998 137-56 [S60]

-----. ‘O’Neill’s African and Irish-American stereotypes or “faithful realism.”’ Pp 148-63 in Manheim [S121]

Sullivan, Kevin. ‘O’Neill: the Irish dimension.’ Recorder 1 i 1985 4-21 [S64]

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