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Editor: Frederick Wilkins
Suffolk University, Boston

Vol. V, No. 2
Summer-Fall 1981



MARSHALL BROOKS, essayist and printer, is the editor of Nostoc and associate editor of the Eugene O'Neill Newsletter. Nostoc #10, recently published, comprises eight short short stories and sketches by James T. Farrell, two of which are there published for the first time. For price information, write to Mr. Brooks, Arts End Books, Box 162, Newton, MA 02168.

STEPHANIE GREENE, a native Vermonter now living in the Boston area, is presently at work on a novel. When she is not writing, she can often be found playing Scarlatti on her Gabler parlor grand or sipping retsina while planning a Mexican dinner.

MICHAEL HINDEN, Associate Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a regular contributor to the Newsletter's pages. Chairman of the Publications Committee of the Eugene O'Neill Society, Professor Hinden will lecture on O'Neill and Myth at the Canadian Association for American Studies conference on "Myth and American Culture" in Montreal next October.

ESTHER M. JACKSON, Professor of Theatre and Drama at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the author of The Broken World of Tennessee Williams and numerous articles on Williams, O'Neill and other dramatists. Her essay on "O'Neill the Humanist" appeared in the September 1977 issue of the Newsletter. Professor Jackson is a member of the Executive Committee of the MLA Drama Division.

NORMAN ANDREW KIRK is a poet whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, Poet Lore and The Smith as well as other publications. A member of the editorial board of Bitterroot, a poetry journal, he lives with his wife, Carolina, in Wayland, Mass.

RONALD R. MILLER is a graduate student in American Theatre and Drama at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was the director of the staged reading of More Stately Mansions that is discussed in his article.

PATRICK J. NOLAN is Professor of English at Villanova University. His essay on Jungian elements in The Emperor Jones, an interesting complement to the study in this issue, appeared in the May-September 1980 Newsletter (pp. 6-9). Professor Nolan was the author, with Michael Mann, of the 1979 Emmy-winning ABC Movie of the Week, The Jericho Mile, starring Peter Strauss.

SUSAN TUCK, a graduate student in comparative literature at Indiana University, is completing a dissertation on O'Neill and Faulkner (see Winter 1980 Newsletter, pp. 19-20), and will co-edit, with Horst Frenz, Eugene O'Neill's Critics: Voices from Abroad, to be published by Southern Illinois University Press.



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