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Editor: Frederick Wilkins
Suffolk University, Boston

Vol. V, No. 2
Summer-Fall 1981



I. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: a Report from Jordan Y. Miller, Secretary.

The by-laws of the Eugene O'Neill Society state that six months before the next election, members of the Society may submit nominations for expiring offices, to be received by the Secretary within two months. Names of candidates nominated by five or more members will be included on the ballot, along with such nominees as the Board of Directors may choose. The next election will be held during our Annual Meeting in New York in December 1981. Nominations must be received by the Secretary no later than September 1, 1981.

This OFFICIAL CALL for nominations was sent, on July 1st, to all 1981 members and to all who were members during our 1980 charter year. If you have not paid your 1981 dues and wish to participate, please send me your check together with any nominations. (Address: Department of English, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. Tel. 401-792-5931.)

As the following roster's first and third sections show, the terms of two Officers and five Directors expire at the end of the current calendar year. We therefore solicit your nominations for President, Vice-President, and five Directors.

* Officers whose two-year terms expire December 31, 1981:

(NOTE: Neither officer wishes to be renominated.)

Horst Frenz, Indiana University, President
Winifred Frazer, University of Florida, Vice-president

Officers currently serving four-year terms, expiring December 31, 1983:

Virginia Floyd, Bryant College, Treasurer
Jordan Y. Miller, University of Rhode Island, Secretary
Timo Tiusanen, University of Helsinki, International Secretary

* Directors whose two-year terms expire December 31, 1981:

(NOTE: The by-laws do not restrict re-election of Directors.)

Travis Bogard, University of California, Berkeley; Eugene K. Hanson, College of the Desert; Adele R. Heller, Provicetown Playhouse; Esther M. Jackson, University of Wisconsin; Tom J. A. Olsson, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm.

Directors whose four-year terms expire December 31, 1983:

(NOTE: By-laws do not restrict a Director from receiving a nomination for Officer.)

Frederic I. Carpenter, Walnut Creek, California; Doris V. Falk, Califon, New Jersey; Sally Thomas Pavetti, Eugene O'Neill Theater Center; John Henry Raleigh, University of California, Berkeley; Frederick C. Wilkins, Suffolk University, Boston.

Members of Committees, in addition to many of those above, include:

Jacob Adler, Purdue University; Michael Hinden, University of Wisconsin; Vera Jiji, Brooklyn College; Thomas Marshall, Upperco, Maryland; Debora Kellar Pattin, Tacoma, Washington; Dennis Rich, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle; Paul Voelker, University of Wisconsin; Albert Wertheim, Indiana University; and Robert Wilkinson, Villanova University.


[The following is a slightly edited version of the information and invitation that appear in the Society's new membership-application brochure. If you are an individual subscriber but not a member of the Society, a copy of that brochure should be included in the envelope that contained this issue of the Newsletter. If it is not there, or if you need additional copies for friends and colleagues, write to Secretary Miller. --Ed.]

On December 30, 1978, a group of some 30 O'Neill enthusiasts from the United States
and abroad--theatre professionals, academics, and lovers of theatre and drama in general---met in the New York Hilton to organize the Eugene O'Neill Society. The following year, on December 29, 1979, in the beautiful surroundings of Tao House, O'Neill's mountain home outside San Francisco, a larger and equally enthusiastic group met to adopt by-laws and to elect permanent officers and a board of directors.

You are invited to become a member of this important new international organization. Its purpose is to promote and maintain world-wide study of O'Neill's life and works by

  • keeping his work alive in performances on stage, film, television, radio, and recordings;

  • encouraging historical and critical writing and amassing historical documentation; and

  • sponsoring publications devoted to O'Neill and his plays.

Meetings are presently held each year at the time of the Modern Language Association national conventions; but as we grow, other gatherings will be undertaken, both in the United States and in other countries.

Membership is open to anyone, anywhere, with an interest in O'Neill as an artist, in the American theatre, and in the purposes of the Society. As a member you will receive
the thrice-yearly Eugene O'Neill Newsletter, which carries notes on productions of O'Neill's plays throughout the world, as well as scholarly articles on every phase of O'Neill's life and works. Submission of items for publication, especially from members, is earnestly solicited.

Your membership dues, which are tax deductible, are determined by your choice from among seven categories: Regular ($20), Student ($10), Emeritus ($10 for members 65 or over), Family ($30 for husband and wife), Sponsor ($50), Life ($500, payable in one sum), and Institutional ($30). Make checks payable to The Eugene O'Neill Society, and send them, along with your address and telephone number, to Secretary Miller.


The Society's next annual meeting, at which the aforementioned elections will take place, is scheduled for late December in New York City, during the MLA convention. A date, hour and location will be announced in an imminent Society mailing and in the next issue of the Newsletter. It is hoped that the meeting will occur in close proximity to the MLA special session on O'Neill, described elsewhere in this issue, that will take place from noon to 1:15 p.m. on Monday, December 28.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

NEW BOOK WILL SHOW O'NEILL AT WORK! The Frederick Ungar Publishing Company of New York City projects an October 1981 publication date for EUGENE O'NEILL AT WORK: NEWLY RELEASED IDEAS FOR PLAYS, edited and annotated by Professor Virginia Floyd of Bryant College in Rhode Island. The volume will make available for the first time materials by O'Neill--notes, scenarios, drawings, records--that have been restricted since before the playwright's death in 1953. Fuller information will follow in the next issue. Watch for the book!



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