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Editor: Frederick Wilkins
Suffolk University, Boston

Vol. III, No. 1
May, 1979



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I am delighted to begin the Newsletter's junior year with four most perceptive essays. Patrick Bowles' study of the "existential resonances" in The Hairy Ape illuminates both playwright and protagonist and clarifies the play's position in the vast web of Western philosophy and literature. (Its length necessitates reduced typeface, but most of the responders to my query in the last issue approved of smaller print--as long as the diminution is not excessive.) Winifred Frazer offers persuasive evidence for attributing "The 'American Soverign'" to O'Neill, thus moving back the date of his first publication from 1912 to 1911. Frank Cunningham's account of O'Neill's adaptation of The Ancient Mariner for the stage constitutes a strong argument for placing him in the Romantic camp--a valuable corrective to the popular view of O'Neill as poet of gloom unreliev'd. And Halina Filipowicz-Findlay, in her survey of O'Neill productions in Poland, offers an insightful analysis of why the critical reception there has been slow and not always favorable. In short, a propitious start for Volume III. I welcome, and am eager to receive, comparable submissions for future issues, and I wish you all a Happy Spring!

The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter, Vol. III, No. 1. Copyright (c) 1979 by the Eugene O'Neill Newsletter. Copyright © 2011 by Harley J. Hammerman. Editor: Frederick C. Wilkins. Assoc. Editor: Marshall Brooks. Subscriptions: $3/year for individuals in U.S. and Canada, $5/year for libraries and institutions and all overseas subscribers. Address: The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter, Department of English, Suffolk University, Boston, MA 02114 U.S.A.


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