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Editor: Frederick Wilkins
Suffolk University, Boston

Vol. II, No. 3
January, 1979



PATRICK BOWLES, of the Department of English at Marquette University in Milwaukee, is spending the current academic year at the Foundation des Etats-Unis, Cite Universitaire de Paris. His essay on "The Hairy Ape as Existential Allegory" will appear in a future issue.

CHARLES A. CARPENTER, Professor of English at SUNY-Binghamton, wrote a book on Shaw, compiled a Goldentree Bibliography on Modern British Drama, does annual bibliographies for Modern Drama, and writes articles on Pinter. His biggest project is an International Bibliography of Modern Drama Studies, 1966-1980, to be published c. 1983, of which the bibliography in this issue will be a part.

FRANK R. CUNNINGHAM, Associate Professor of English at the University of South Dakota, served as Senior Fulbright-Hays Lecturer in American Literature at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland, in 1976­1977. His writing has appeared in Modern Drama, Ball State Univ. Forum, Sewanee Review, Saturday Review, James Joyce Quarterly, Literature-Film Quarterly and the New York Times Book Review. He is preparing a book on film director Sidney Lumet for Hall-Twayne's Theatrical Arts Series, and another on O'Neill and the Romantic tradition. He is represented on pp. 7-8 in the September 1977 issue of the Newsletter.

WALTER FAIRSERVIS, though he was raised in the theatre and has been active in professional theatre for most of his life, is by training and vocation an anthropologist with bases at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City (where he is in charge of a new exhibit hall devoted to the peoples of Asia) and at Vassar College (where he teaches the anthropology of Asia).

MICHAEL HINDEN, Associate Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, teaches modern drama and has published a variety of essays on O'Neill (three are listed on p. 25 of the January 1978 issue of the Newsletter, which contains his essay, "Ironic Use of Myth in The Hairy Ape," on pp. 2-4), on other twentieth-century playwrights and on the nature of tragedy.

ROBERT McILVAINE is Associate Professor of English and chairman of the English Department at Slippery Rock State College in Pennsylvania. He has published articles, on such modern American authors as Wolfe, Stevens, Poe, Dreiser, Hemingway, Wharton, Cummings and Dos Passos, in such journals as American Literature, Journal of American Studies, The Explicator and Notes on Modern American Literature.



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