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Editor: Frederick Wilkins
Suffolk University, Boston

Vol. I, No. 2
September, 1977



LEONARD CHABROWE, critic, novelist and playwright, has written articles for The Kenyon Review, Dissent, Commonweal, and The Columbia Forum. His most recent books are the critical study, Ritual and Pathos: The Theater of O’Neill (Bucknell U. Press, 1976), and a novella, The Same Thing Happening Over and Over (The Smith/Horizon, 1976).

FRANK R. CUNNINGHAM, Professor of English at San Jose State University and currently Senior Fulbright Lecturer in American Literature at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland, will co-chair a special session on “Critical Approaches to O’Neill’s Later Plays (after 1931)” at the 1977 MLA Convention in Chicago next December. His co-coordinator will be Professor Letitia Dace of John Jay College, CUNY. Interested O’Neillians should see last February’s MLA Newsletter for further details.

ESTHER M. JACKSON, Professor of Theatre and Drama at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the author of The Broken World of Tennessee Williams. Her experiences as literary adviser to Mme. Birgit Culberg’s television ballet, “The Dreamer,” based on A Touch of the Poet, will be described in a forthcoming issue of the Newsletter. Her paper on “O’Neill the Humanist” was delivered at the 1976 MLA Convention in New York City.

MICHEAL O HAODHA, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dublin’s Abbey Theatre, which he accompanied to the United States and Canada during its 1976 tour, has long been active as playwright and producer in the stage and radio drama of Ireland. He is the author of The Abbey--Then and Now (1969) and Theatre in Ireland (1974). The latter was published in the U.S. by Rowman and Littlefield, and in England by Blackwell, Oxford.

GEORGE H. “PAT” QUINBY studied under George Pierce Baker at Yale, and was stage manager for Grand Hotel and Double Door in New York City before returning to his alma mater, Bowdoin College, in 1934, where he was director of dramatics until 1966 and taught playwriting until 1969. While an undergraduate at Bowdoin, he won a contest with a speech on O’Neill’s early plays and received a congratulatory letter from O’Neill, which he treasures. His O’Neill productions at Bowdoin included Bound East for Cardiff, Long Day’s Journey, The Straw, The Emperor Jones and Ah, Wilderness! He followed O’Neill to sea as a merchant seaman in ‘25-’26.

PAUL D. VOELKER, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Center, Marshfield, is the author of “The Early Plays of Eugene O’Neill, 1913-1915,” the doctoral dissertation synopsized in this issue of the Newsletter. His review of the Guthrie Theatre production of A Moon for the Misbegotten will appear in a forthcoming issue.


Adler, Thomas P. “‘Through a Glass Darkly’: O’Neill’s Esthetic Theory as Seen Through His Writer Characters.” Arizona Quarterly (Summer 1976), pp. 171-183.

Blesch, Edwin J. “O’Neill’s Hughie: A Misconceived Experiment?” Nassau Review, 2, no. 5 (1974), 1-8.

Coakley, James. “More More on O’Neill.” Michigan Quarterly Review (Fall 1976), pp. 467-472.

Fiet, Lowell A. “O’Neill’s Modification of Traditional American Themes in A Touch of The Poet.” Educational Theatre Journal (December 1975), pp. 508-515.

Going, William T. “Eugene O’Neill, American.” Papers on Language and Literature (Fall 1976), pp. 384-401.

Griffin, Ernest, ed. Eugene O’Neill: A Collection of Criticism. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Levitt, H.N. “Comedy in the Plays of Eugene O’Neill.” Players (February-March 1976), pp. 92-95.

Miller, Jordan. “The Other O’Neill.” In The Twenties, ed. Warren French (Deland, Florida: Everett Edwards, 1975), pp. 455-473.

Scheller, Bernhard. “O’Neill und die Rezeption spätburgerlich­kritischer Dramatik.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 23, no. 4 (1975), 314-321.

Stroupe, John H. “The Abandonment of Ritual: Jean Anouilh and Eugene O’Neill.” Renascence (Spring 1976), pp. 147-154.

--from Charles A. Carpenter, “Modern Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography,” Modern Drama (June 1977).



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