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Wilkins at Monte Cristo cottage
in New London, Connecticut in 1997.
Editor’s Foreword
In previous forewords I stated that
Laconics would pattern itself along the line of The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter.
The Newsletter was created in the winter of 1977 by Fred Wilkins, and it flourished through the winter of 1988, at which time it
morphed into The Eugene O'Neill Review. It was created not as "a pudgy review or quarterly," but as a "newsletter" in which "far-flung articles" could be
published, "forthcoming O’Neill productions and books" could be announced and reviewed, and "O’Neillians of academe
[could] share news and insights with O’Neillians of the proscenium."
With Fred Wilkins' blessing and support, eOneill.com digitized all
thirty-six issues of the Newsletter, making it
readily available online to students and scholars throughout
the world. I am pleased to announce that eOneill.com has acquired the copyright to the
The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter, guaranteeing that this
valuable and historic publication will continue to be freely available to all O'Neillians.
Volume 6 of Laconics collects papers from the Eighth
International Eugene O'Neill Conference held in New York
City this past June. As a thank you for allowing eOneill.com
to shepherd his Newsletter for future generations,
and as a tribute to his groundbreaking and
tireless contributions
to O'Neill studies, we dedicate
this Volume 6 of Laconics to Frederick Wilkins.
Laconics welcomes provocative articles of any length
concerning the life, times, and work of Eugene O’Neill and
his contemporaries. Essays accepted for publication
throughout the year will be added to the above table of
contents. Please submit papers (with digital images, audio
clips, or video clips) to the
Laconics Editor.
—Harley Hammerman |