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Collection: Criticism
Bogard, Travis Contour in Time, The Plays of Eugene O'Neill
Oxford University Press Signed Copy. Dust Jacket
Bogard, Travis Contour in Time, The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. Revised Edition Oxford University Press Paperback
Cargill, Oscar, Fagin, N. Bryllion, Fisher, William J.
O'Neill and His Plays. Four
Decades of Criticism
New York University Press
Carpenter, Frederic I.
Eugene O'Neill Twayne, New York Twayne's U.S. Author Series, Letter from Author to Thalia Brewer tipped in front Endpaper.; Dedicated to Dixie and to Lillian Cook Carpenter
Chothia, Jean Forging a Language. A Study of the Plays of Eugene O'Neill
Cambridge University Press First paperback edition, 1981. Signed by author
Clark, Barrett H. Eugene O'Neill The Man and His Plays Dover Publications Inc, New York Revised Edition, Paperback
Clark, Barrett H.
Eugene O'Neill The Man and His Plays
Robert M. McBride, New York
Revised Edition 1933
Dardis, Tom The Thirsty Muse. Alcohol and the American Writer
Ticknor & Fields, New York
Dust Jacket
Egri, Peter
The Birth of American Tragedy Tankonyvkiado, Budapest Analyses the genetic and generic conditions of the birth of American tragedy from an ariological point of view
Egri, Peter Sentiment and Sentimentality in Eugene O'Neill's "Strange Interlude": The Novel in the Drama
Gunter Narr Verlag, Tubingen
Falk, Doris V. Eugene O'Neill and the Tragic Tension. An Interpretive Study of The Plays
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
Dust Jacket
Floyd, Virginia (Editor) Eugene O'Neill. A World View
Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., New York
Dust Jacket
Frenz, Horst
Eugene O'Neill (German)
Colloquim Verlag, Berlin
Frenz, Horst Eugene O'Neill's Critics. Voices From Abroad
Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville
Manheim, Michael Eugene O'Neill's New Language of Kinship
Syracuse University Press
Dust Jacket
Martine, James J.
Critical Essays on Eugene O'Neill
G. K. Hall & Co, Boston, Mass. SUB
Criticism of Eugene O'Neill
McDonough, Edwin J.
Quintero Directs O'Neill
A Cappella Books, Chicago Dust Jacket
Mickle, Alan D.
Six Plays of Eugene O'Neill
Horace Lineright, New York First Edition. Dust Jacket
Michelsen, Cleo
The Spiritual Dilemma of Modern Man in The Tragic Formula of Eugene
1952 Photocopy of a Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Columbia College of the George Washington University in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, February, 1952; 231 pages
Miller, Jordon Y.
Eugene O'Neill and the American Critic
Archon Books
Second Edition - Revised. Dust
Orlandello, John
O'Neill on Film
Associated University Press, Inc.
Dust Jacket
Pfister, Joel
Staging Depth. Eugene
O'Neill and the Politics of Psychological Discourse
The University of North Carolina
Prasad, Hari Mohan The Dramatic Art of Eugene O'Neill
Associated Publishing House, New Delhi Dust Jacket
Raleigh, John H. The Plays of Eugene O'Neill
Southern Illinois University Press Dust Jacket
Robinson, James A. Eugene O'Neill and Oriental Thought. A Divided Vision
Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville
Sarlos, Robert Karoly Jig Cook and the Provincetown Players, Theatre in Ferment
The University of Massachusetts Press
Dust Jacket
Shaughnessy, Edward L. Eugene O'Neill in Ireland. The Critical Reception
Greenwood Press, New York
Simon, Bennett Tragic Drama and The Family. Psychoanalytic Studies From Aeschylus to Beckett
Yale University Press, New Haven Dust Jacket
Stallknecht, Newton P. Comparative Literature. Method and Perspective
Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville Revised Edition. Dust Jacket
Tiusanen, Timo
Eugene O'Neill Scenic Images
Princeton University Press, New Jersey
Dust Jacket
Vena, Gary A. Eugene O'Neill's "the Iceman Cometh": A Reconstruction of the 1946 Theatre Guild Production
University Microfilms International Inscribed by author "January 1985. To Linda Best and especially Ruth Turner - my deepest gratitude. Gary Vena"; Photocopy of Dissertation, New York University, 1984
Wainscott, Ronald H. Staging O'Neill. The Experimental Years, 1920 - 1934
Yale University Press Dust Jacket
Watson, Terence George Towards A Delicate Balance: Oppositions and Reconciliations in O'Neill's Plays
Canberra, Australia A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University
Time, The Weekly Newsmagazine
February 13, 1928 "Eugene O'Neill The Shyest Sailor". Cover portrait of Eugene O'Neill. Review of "Strange Interlude" on pages 36, 37, 38
Time, The Weekly Newsmagazine
November 2, 1931 "Eugene O'Neill 'The Damned Don't Cry'" Cover Portrait of Eugene O'Neill. Review of "Mourning Becomes Electra" on pages 34, 36, 38
Time, The Weekly News Magazine
October 21, 1946
"Eugene O'Neill. After
Twelve Years, A Prodigal Dramatist Returned".; Cover Portrait of Eugene
O'Neill. "The Ordeal
of Eugene O'Neill" on pages 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77. Illus. with photos of Tao House and Production Scenes
From "The Ice Man Cometh" and "The Hairy Ape"
Bigsby, C. W. E. A Critical Introduction To Twentieth - Century American Drama. Volume One 1900 - 1940
Cambridge University Press Eugene O'Neill, pp. 36 - 119 |
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