Ah, Wilderness!
Guild Theatre
Opened: Monday, October 02, 1933
Producer: Theatre Guild Director: Philip Moeller
Original NY production
Nat Miller - George M.
Essie - Marjorie Marquis
Arthur - William Post, Jr.
Richard - Elisha Cook, Jr.
Mildred - Adelaide Bean
Tommy - Walter Vonnegut, Jr.
Sid Davis - Gene Lockhart
Lily Miller - Eda Heinemann |
David McComber - Richard
Muriel McComber - Ruth Gilbert
Wint Selby - John Wynne
Belle - Ruth Holden
Nora - Ruth Chorpenning
Bartender - Donald McClelland
Salesman - John Butler |
York Times Review, October 3, 1933
York American Review, October 3, 1933
Review, October 14, 1933
Theatre Program
Pre Broadway production, September 25, 1933
Nixon Theatre, Pittsburgh

Theatre Program


8 x 10 Vandamm photograph


Music Agreement
Typed Letter Signed, 1 page, New York, October 2, 1933
From Remick Music Corp. to the Theatre Guild
Mail Order Form
National Theatre, Washington, D.C., November 12, 1934

Theatre Program
Victory Theatre, Chicago, February 13, 1935
